Friday, February 12, 2010

Cooking with Gas

Well, we're almost there... I thought we'd be farther along by now, but we're coming home and working pretty steadily. Below is what the kitchen looked like last week. You can see the cabinets sans handles, the old wall (y'know, the wall I scraped with a 1.5" paint scraper), the pass through, and the floors.

Last weekend we got the handles and knobs installed (except on the cursed cabinet), and the gas man came and ran lots of gas line for us. Lots of gas line. A preeeettttty penny's worth of gas line. Who knew piping could be so expensive?

This past weekend we spent all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evening installing the backsplash. I actually enjoyed that way better than installing the tile in the bathroom. Maybe having access to running water made it easier? I like to think it had everything to do with being able to use the extra fancy tile saw that we rented. I'd always heard that people shouldn't rent tile saws because you can buy them for such a low price. However, we couldn't have even come close to buying a tile saw of the same caliber as the one we were able to rent for a mere $35. And I loved using it. And I figured out how to use it. It's funny the things that make me prideful these days.
You can see the range hood starting to be installed in the shot above. Todd has done an amazing job figuring out the details. We've had some good workers, but we've also had some shysters. All in all, I trust Todd more than any of those guys. I know he'll be thorough and careful with everything.

We should be grouting this weekend, and we'll do some painting too. Once we've done that, I can slide my new BFF, the stove, back into place. I so can't wait. Maybe by then I'll figure out the camera a little better. Everything looks so stark and off color. The grayer tiles don't really stand out all freakishly the way they do in these pictures. Even still, I can't wait to post the rest! Enjoy!

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