Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The One Where Marley Is Asleep

Our dog sleeps. Often. And well. He gets almost an inordinate amount of sleep. He has obviously moved to the right house 'cause that's about all I'd like to be doing right now. Because no one actually reads this blog, I feel like I can jump around and discuss things in any ol' sequence. Audience and purpose are two of the most important things for writers to consider, but as I have neither AND as I'm not a writer... what does it matter?

In addition to all of the little things that we've done to the house, we're about to undergo another huge transition: new windows. For 1200 square feet, we've got a ton of windows. We're replacing 16 of them, but we actually have 24. Who has 24 windows? And five that we're not replacing? They're five feet tall and and each one is about 2.5 feet wide. I'm thinking we probably have a corner on the heat loss market. It probably doesn't help that we have nary a patch of insulation in our walls either. Anyhow, just as we traded up with Cash for Clunkers, we're trading up (and selling our souls) for new windows and a measly $1500 "rebate" that we'll hopefully be able to get.

Getting new windows is a bit like the book _If You Give a Mouse a Cookie_. New windows means new window coverings. New window coverings means new window treatments. New window treatments means new bedding. And so it goes... So our venture that will cost us the same montly payment as our house payment will also yield complete disatisfaction with the decor (or lack thereof) in our two bedrooms. I know. Our world is really pretty happy, and window coverings? Is that really a problem. Nope. I guess it's just something I think about. I recognize that world peace is important... and feeding the nations... and educating the children... I know that. I just see our windows. And I wonder. And then I get thrown off by the visual insanity that I know will come in the weeks ahead. And I think that Marley has the right idea. Sleeeeep. And worry not 'cause we have no audience. I'm just sounding my barbaric yawp.



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