Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's Been a Hard Day's Night

And Todd's been working like a dog...

Gordon Shumway and my sister have both complained mightily about no posts. In fact, my sister not-so-politely asked if the magnolias have died. No, you dirty dog, the magnolias are still very much alive. The people living in the house between the magnolias? Not so much alive at the moment. Work started back up, and we have these jobs that seem to consume our every waking moment. As I type, he's sitting working, and I'm avoiding working by finally blogging. Even though I'm not working, I'm thinking about working in the back of my mind. Our conversations since we got home? Yep. All about work. Either we're obsessed (and we probably are) or we're crazy (and that's probably true), but if the last few weeks are any indication, the next phase of transformation is going to be sloooow going!

Before we got started back to work, we got the big components in the bathroom finished. New toilet, sink and shower fixtures topped off Todd's new tile job. We really wanted to do the tiny hexagonal tiles, but they were just so stinking expensive. Even though we were doing the work ourselves, we couldn't justify paying three times the cost of these tiles. I'm really pleased with Todd's diligence and patience and work ethic in this bathroom. Despite the first early exclamations of distress, it actually worked out just fine! He finished around oh... 5 in the morning, but we had a place to stay in Greenville, so we just crashed hard the next day.

These pictures are so old now that it's hard to remember what a pain it was to be without a wc for so long... I just might go give the little ol' toilet a pat on the water tank to remind it how appreciative we are. Of course we're out of town this weekend, but I'll try to get some more pictures up. Todd got the new lighting fixture put up in the dining room, and it looks nice.

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